Major Equipment
Engineering Practices Laboratory – Electronics
1Soldering Iron, Lead
2Multi meter
3Continuity tester
4Used Laptop
5Used desktop computer
6Used LED TV
Lab Incharge Mr.M.Chandraman,AP/ECE
Electronic Circuits and Devices Laboratory
2Function Generators(3MHz)
3Dual Regulated power Supplies(0-30V)
4Dual power supply/single mode power supply
5IC Trainer Kit
7Digital LCR Meter
Lab Incharge Mr.A.Arun,AP/ECE
Communications system Laboratory
1CRO /DSO (Min 30MHz)
2Signal Generator /Function Generators (2 MHz)
3Dual Regulated Power Supplies ( 0 - 30V)
4Digital Multimeter
5IC tester
6Kits for Signal Sampling, TDM, AM, FM, PCM, DM and Line Coding Schemes, Error control code
Lab Incharge Dr.S.Kumarganesh Professor/ECE
Advanced Communication Laboratory
1Trainer kit for carrying out LED and PIN diode characteristics, Digital multi meter, optical power meter
2Trainer kit for determining the mode characteristics, losses in optical fiber
3Trainer kit for analyzing Analog and Digital link performance, 2 Mbps PRBS Data source, 10 MHz signal generator, 20 MHz Digital storage Oscilloscope
4Kit for measuring Numerical aperture and Attenuation of fiber
5Advanced Optical fiber trainer kit for PC to PC communication, BER Measurement, Pulse broadening
6MM/SM Glass and plastic fiber patch chords with ST/SC/E2000 connectors
7LEDs with ST / SC / E2000 receptacles – 650 / 850 nm
8PIN PDs with ST / SC / E2000 receptacles – 650 / 850 nm
Lab Incharge Mr.S.Manoharan AP/ECE
Project Laboratory
1GKS 13 Hall sensor kit/GKS 13 Acclero meter kit./ GKS 14 DTMF circuit kit/GKS 15 PIR module/GKS 16 GSM kit SIM 300/GKS 17 GPS Kit/GKS 18 RFID Kit
2GKS 19 Serial Port based for 8051 series microcontroller/ USB based universal GKS 20 programmer/ GKS 22 light sensor kit/ T MSP 430 Advanced Embedded system trainer/ arget 64 MSP 430 General purpose Target Board/ LCD Target/ 3A – ACC VER1.1/ FET/ TCP MSP430/ MSD MSP430/ EMX-CC1120/ WSN GATEWAY/
4IAR-EW430-NW-EDU/GKS1Microcontroller Kit P89V51RD2 Sport/GKS 2 Microcontroller Kit P89V51RD2 USB/GKS 3 6 LEAD Stepper motor driver kit/GKS 4-4 Relay driver kit/GKS 5-8 Relay driver kit/GKS 6 OPTO coupler interfacing kit/GKS 7RF module/
5GKS 8 Zigbee module 1 pair/GKS 9 L2 93D DC Motor driver kit/
6GKS 10 infrared sensor/GKS 11 basic proximity sensor/GKS 12 LPG sensor kit
7MSP 430 Launch pad/C2000 Launch pad /Tiva C series Launch pad/
8Tiva Development board/C2000 Development board/Analog System lab kit Pro/ASLKV2010 Starter kit/Sensor Hub/Motor Driver /
9CC110L Booster pack/Sensor Tag CC2650 STK/MSP 430 F4133/
10MSP 430 F5529/MSP 430 F5969/Educational Booster pack (MK11 Boost - EDUMK11)/CC2650/MSP432 P401R/CC3100 Boost//
11CC3200 Audio Booster Pack
Lab Incharge Dr.P.Shanmugasundaram ASP/ECE
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
1PCs with Fixed / Floating point DSP
2Processors (Kit / Add-on Cards)
3Signal Generators (1MHz)
4CRO (20MHz)
Lab Incharge Mr.R.Shanmuga Sundaram AP/ECE
Communication Networks Laboratory
1Standard LAN Trainer Kits
Lab Incharge Mr.G.Rajamanickam AP/ECE
VLSI Design Laboratory
1Xilinx/Altera/equivalent FPGA Boards
2Logic Analyzer
4Interface Board - ADC
6Motor Control
Lab Incharge Mr.A .Tamilselvan AP/ECE