The Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is a unique center of Knowledge Institute of Technology (KIOT) established in 2021. AI&DS is an undergraduate programme that is essential for the present digital world that integrates the training and profound knowledge of the most recent innovative methodologies.

This course aims at providing not only the core technologies such as artificial intelligence, data mining, and data modeling but also gives intensive inputs in the fields of machine learning and big data analytics.

The ultimate aim of the department is to determine the academic excellence of students with wide exposure to research and career opportunities.

The core faculty team with well experienced, dedicated, and expertise in the domain area of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science magnifies the learning capabilities of the students and facilitates them to develop their skills through innovative teaching and learning methodologies.

The department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science has laboratories with high-end processing systems of Wi-Fi connectivity, essential software, and tools that help the students to unleash their curiosity to implement the methods in theory and practical classes.

The department periodically organizes Industrial Visits, Guest Lectures, Workshops, Symposiums, and Seminars for students to showcase their talents in Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities.

The four-year degree programme will certainly provide a roadmap to advance the profession and career growth of the students. By the end of the course, the students will gain cross-disciplinary skills across the fields such as statistics, computer science, machine learning, and data scientists and they will have career opportunities in IT consultancies, banking, healthcare, e-commerce, air traffic control, product recommendations, image recognition, spam filtering sentiment analysis, virtual personal assistant, social networking, etc.