S. No.Name of the Faculty(s)Name of the CourseName of the TopicNature of Innovative Teaching MethodAvailable Educational Forum and Website
1.     Dr.C.MunirajPower ElectronicsBoost Converter with PID ControllerModule DemoResource Forum
2.     Mr.M.Barathi SevlarajElectrical MachinesPower TransformerReal Time DemonstrationResource Forum
3.Mr.M.JagadeeshrajaEmbedded SystemsWatch Dog TimerRole PlayResource Forum
4. Mr.M.JagadeeshrajaEmbedded SystemsEmbedded C ProgrammingLearning through SoftwareResource Forum
5.     Mrs.P.RekhaDigital Logic CircuitsSimulation of Logic Gates using Xilinx SoftwareLearning through SoftwareResource Forum
6.     Mr.R.KathiresanMicroprocessor and MicrocontrollerMicrocontroller Interfacing with SensorReal Time DemonstrationResource Forum
7.     Dr.T.K.Santhosh
Power ElectronicsBoost Converter Simulation using PSIMFlipped Class Room ActivityResource Forum

Resource Forum
8.     Mr.P.BalajiPower ElectronicsSimulation of SCR using CircuitMod SoftwareLearning through SoftwareResource Forum