Best Practices – I

  1. Title:
    • Empowering Faculty on emerging technologies through online certification programs and faculty development programs.
  2. Objectives:
    • To empower faculty members on emerging technologies to enhance the teaching-learning process.
  3. Context:
    • The continuous changes in technological developments mandate the students to acquire the required knowledge and skills.
    • Hence, it is necessary for the faculty to update their knowledge and skills in line with changing needs and incorporate them into the teaching-learning process.
  4. Practice:
    • At KIOT, all faculty members are encouraged and financially supported to participate in the faculty development programs and online certification programs conducted by other higher learning institutions such IITs, IISc.
    • Faculty have attended online courses in emerging technology areas such as Machine Learning, Industry 4.0, Block Chain, Data analytics conducted by NPTEL Swayam portal, Coursera, and other institutions.
    • Faculty has also attended Faculty development programs in physical mode.

Evidence of Success:

  • 73 NPTEL certificate courses have been attended by the faculty.
  • 10 certificate courses conducted by Courses Era and other portals have been attended.
  • 149 Faculty development programs have been attended in physical mode and Virtual mode.
  • 232 Faculty have successfully completed the certificate courses and obtain certificates from NPTEL, Course Era, and FDPs.
  1. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
    • Online courses presented challenges in raising queries and clarifying doubts.
    • Faculty in the interior locations faced internet speed issues.

Best Practices – I  Supporting Document

Best Practices – II

  1. Title of the Practice

Enhancing Problem-Solving Capabilities and Programming Skills of the Students.

  1. Objectives of the Practice
  • To impart knowledge and skills in different programming languages to the students.
  • To enhance problem-solving capability of the students.
  1. The Context

IT and Core Engineering Industries use various software and design tools to give solutions. Hence, problem-solving skills, knowledge and skills in using software tools are very essential for Engineering Graduates.

  1. The Practice
  1. In KIOT, all the students were given access to the iamneo Programming Portal and guided to learn programming languages.
  2. The course content is made up of Tutorials, Quizzes, and Assessments.
  3. Some of the Courses provided are:
    • C programming
    • Java programming
    • Python Programming
  1. Evidence of Success
  2. The students learned C programming, Java and Python and enhanced their problem-solving and programming skills.
  3. More than 90% of the final year B.E students, who have registered for placement, received placement offers from leading IT / Core companies with the highest salary of 12.75 lakhs per annum.
  4. Problem Encountered and Resources Required
  1. As the courses were attended by the students in online mode, network connectivity and bandwidth issues were encountered in remote locations.
  2. In online mode, instant doubt clarification facilities were not available as in physical mode.

Best Practices – II  Supporting Document