Best Practices – II

1. Title of the Practice

Empowering Faculty on Emerging Technology

2.Objectives of the Practice

To empower the faculty on emerging technologies to facilitate them to incorporate them in the teaching learning process.

3.The Context

As the industry expectations from engineering graduates change continuously due to technological advancements, the faculty need to update their knowledge and skills regularly to offer courses on state-of-the-art technologies.

4.The Practice

In KIOT, all the faculty are encouraged to attend at least two faculty development programs with full sponsorship every year.

The faculty are selected by HODs for attending the faculty development programs based on their specialization, expertise, and experience.

5.Evidence of Success

294 Faculty Development Programs were attended by the faculty.

Faculty attended FDPs on emerging technologies in various institutions such as Dr.B.C.Roy Engineering College West Bengal, Manipal University Jaipur, and Institute for Academic Excellence, Hyderabad, and NIT Meghalaya.

6.Problem Encountered and Resources Required

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the faculty found it difficult to attend online FDPs due to poor network coverage.

The hands-on sessions could not be attended in online FDPs.


Best Practices – II  Supporting Document