Faculty Participation Details AY :: 2023 - 2024
S.NoName with DesignationConference/FDP/WorkshopCourseCourse WeeksCompleted YearCertification Status
1Dr.P.SachidhanandamConferenceImproved Document Retrieval for Web Search Results Using Machine Learning Model Organized by Brainy Meet1 Day26-08-2023Received
NPTELPython for Data ScienceNPTELJan - Feb 2024Received
Journal PublicationMedico-BotIJCRT10.04.2024Received
Industrial ConsultancyIndustrial Consultancy Framework and train the trainerIQAC and HRD CellApr 16-18Received
2Dr.A.GomathiFDPCyber Security & Hacking Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology 8 Days16-06-2023 to 24-06-2023Received
ConferenceImproved Document Retrieval for Web Search Results Using Machine Learning Model Organized by Brainy Meet1 Day26-08-2023Received
FDP-UHVInculcating Universal Human Values Organized by AICTE5 Days03-07-2023 to 07-07-2023Received
NPTEL CourseBig Data Computing Organized by NPTEL8 WeeksAug-Oct 2023Received
NPTEL FDPBig Data Computing Organized by NPTEL8 WeeksAug-Oct 2023Received
WorkShopAI Tool in Scientific WritingKPR Institute of Engineering Technology02.02.2023 to 03.02.2024Received
International ConferenceUnveiling the Neural Symphony : Resting State Networks and Functional Dynamics In Alzheimer"s Disease Brainy MeetFeb 12-2024Received
Guest LectureInformation Retrieval TechniquesShree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technoloy03.04.2024Received
Guest LectureChallenges and Security Issues in Distributed DatabaseVivekanandha College of Technology for women12.04.2024Received
FDPInnovative Teaching and LearningIOT Academy25.01.2024 to 31.01.2024Received
Industrial ConsultancyIndustrial Consultancy Framework and train the trainerIQAC and HRD CellApr 16-18Received
ConferenceBlock Chain Technology In Secure Voting SystemsKIOT11 th May 2024Received
3Mr.J.MurugesanATAL FDPBlock Chain Technology with AI for next generation Computing Organized by KSR College of Technology5 Days30/10/2023 to 04/11/2023Received
FDPRecent Trends on Research Methodologies, Information Technology Organized by Adithya Institute of Technology3 Days24-07-2023 to 26-07-2023Received
Journal PublicationIPC Chatbot: A Chatbot For Indian Penal CodeIJCRT03.04.2024Received
Journal PublicationMedvista- A Compantion for medication InsightIJCRT02.04.2024Received
Digital Skills Readiness ProgramJava Full StackWipro02.05.2024Received
Training ProgramJava Full StackWipro19.02.2024-08.032024Received
International ConferenceApplications of Artificial Intelligence in the medical field : A SurveyFuturistic Trends in Science, Engineering and Management(ICFTSEM)23.02.20245 -24.02.2024Received
4Mrs.S.LalithambikaiOnline CourseGetting Started with Neural Networks Organized by Analytics Vidhya1 Day19-06-2023Received
WebinarGoogle Bard AI -Scroll Well1 Day20-06-2023Received
FDPRecent Trends on Research Methodologies, Tools and Techniques Organized by KG College of Arts and Science6 Days10-07-2023 to 15-07-2023Received
FDPArtificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Organized by Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering 5 Days17-07-2023 to 21-07-2023Received
ConferenceImproved Document Retrieval for Web Search Results Using Machine Learning Model Organized by Brainy Meet1 Day26-08-2023Received
FDP-UHVInculcating Universal Human Values Organized by AICTE5 Days03-07-2023 to 07-07-2023Received
NPTELCloud ComputingNPTELJan-Apr 2024Received
Orientation ProgramDot NetVirtusaMay-24Received
NPTEL-FDPCloud ComputingNPTELJan-Apr 2024Received
5 Mrs.G.UshaConferenceImproved Document Retrieval for Web Search Results Using Machine Learning Model Organized by Brainy Meet1 Day26-08-2023Received
FDP-UHVInculcating Universal Human Values5 Days03-07-2023 to 07-07-2023Received
Journal PublicationNutrition Analyzer Using AIIJCRT06.04.2024Received
FDPThe Art of ResearchIOT Academy08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024Received
FDPNAAC Institutional AccreditionIOT Academy02.01.2024 to 10.01.2024Received
ConferenceEnhancing Asses Tracking Management Through Satellite ConnectivityKIOT11 th May 2024Received
ConferenceAmbient Intelligence And D-Card Mobel for Alzeimer PatientKIOT11 th May 2024Received
ConferenceLeveraging NLP for Carbon FootPrint Analysis and Zero TranstitionKIOT11 th May 2024Received
ConferenceUser Interface Desihgn and Innovation Using AIKIOT11 th May 2024Received
ConferenceAdvancing Professional Skils with an AI Enablwd Tool: A novel approachKIOT11 th May 2024Received
6Mr.R.AyyappanFDPDevelopment of Entrepreneurship and Innovation -Academy of Maritime Education and Training Deemed to be University2 Weeks29/05/2023 to 09/06/2023Received
ATAL FDPAICTE-ATAL Idea Lab Basic -Visvesvaraya Technological University Center For Post Graduate Studies Muddenahalli 5 Days24-04-2023 to 28-04-2023Received
FDPRecent Trends on Research Methodologies, Information Technology -Adithya Institute of Technology3 Days24-07-2023 to 26-07-2023Received
FDPIOT & Applications, Intelligent and Autonomous System and Digital TwinIIIT, Tirupati2weeksReceived
7Ms.B.ManjubashiniInternational ConferenceResource allocation plan for coexisting in 6G networks between mobile broad brand and ultra reliable low latency communication -SIMATS Engineering organized one day International Conference 1 Days10/11/2023Received
International ConferenceResource allocation plan for coexisting in 6G networks between mobile broad brand and ultra reliable low latency communication -PPG Engineering college organized one day International Conference 1 Days25/05/2023Received
Orientation ProgramMachine Learning Applications - Speech Enhancement -Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology1 Day27/06/2023Received
FDPCurrent Trends in Engineering Science and Technology -Sree Sakthi Engineeering College 6 Days03.07.2023 to 08.07.2023Received
Online CourseNext Genration Networks -European Open University2 Months08.07.2023 to 27.09.2023Received
Online CourseNext Genration Networks -European Open University8 Days29.06.2023 to 30.07.2023Received
Online CourseBasics of Computer Certification -Pitfonix Solutions1 Months09.07.2023 to 10.8.2023Received
Online CourseAws Certification -Pitfonix Solutions2 Months09.07.2023 to 11.9.2023Received
Intenship ProgrammeCrafting Dynamic Mobile Experience: Mastering Fultter with Dart MARCELLO TECH06.03.2024 to 10.03.2024Received
FDPIdea Generation MethodsICT Academy06.03.2024 to 08.03.2024Received
FDPData Analytics using PythonICT Academy25.06.2024 to 29.06.2024 Received
8Mrs.M.PriyaOnline CourseIntroduction to Python -Analytics Vidhya14-06-2023Received
FDPCyber Security & Hacking - SRM Institute of Science and Technology 8 Days16-06-2023 to 24-06-2023Received
FDPRecent Trends on Research Methodologies, Tools and Techniques -KG College of Arts and Science6 Days10-07-2023 to 15-07-2023Received
FDPArtificial Intelligence And Machine Learning -Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering 5 Days17-07-2023 to 21-07-2023Received
FDPCloud Infrastructure(AWS) -MLR Institute of Technology5 Days21-08-2023 to 25-08-2023Received
ConferenceImproved Document Retrieval for Web Search Results Using Machine Learning Model Organized by Brainy Meet1 Day26-08-2023Received
IEEE ConferenceIoT
based Realtime pregnancy monitoring system - IEEE Conference
2 Days17-11-2023 to 19-11-2023Received
FDP-UHVInculcating Universal Human Values Organized by AICTE5 Days03-07-2023 to 07-07-2023Received
Journal PublicationAgriculture Loan Recommender SysremIJCRT06.04.2024Received
FDPDeep Learning Techniques for Social Media AnalyticsKongu Engineering College15.04.2024-20.04.2024Received
FDPArtificial Intellignece and Generative Models Vishwakarma Institute of Technology15.01.2024 - 19.01.2024Received
9Mrs.P.Shyamala DeviNPTELSpeaking EffectivelyNPTELJan - Mar 2024Received
FDPPhysics in Engineering and TechnologyPSG Institute of Technology and Applied Reseach 12.02.2024 to 16.02.2024Received
10Mr.T.BhuvaneshwaranWorkshopArtificial Intellignece Workshop Artificial Intelligence Medical & Engineering Researchers Society19.04.2024-20.04.2024Received
11Mr.J.SaravananFDPFull Stack Development -Government College of Technology, Coimbatore4 Days10-07-2023 to 14-07-2023Received
12Mr.M.SivaperumalOnline ConfernceIntellactual Property Rights -VMT NSS college 2 days20.03.2023 to 21.03.2023Received
Conference / FDP /Workshop
1Dr.P SACHDHANANDAM FDPBlock chain and Its Applications12 WEEKSJAN/APRIL - 2022Received Certificate
Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things12 WEEKSJULY /OCT - 2022Received Certificate
The Joy of Computing Using Python12 WEEKSJAN/APRIL - 2023Received Certificate
2Dr.A.GOMATHI FDPMachine Learning8 WEEKSJAN/MAR -2023Received Certificate
The Joy of Computing Using Python12 WEEKSJAN/APRIL - 2023Received Certificate
3Mr.R.AYYAPPANFDPThe Joy of Computing Using Python12 WEEKSJAN/APRIL - 2023Received Certificate
AICTE ATAL Idea Lab - Visvesvaraya
Technological University(VTU) Muddenahalli, Banglore
1cWeek19 th to 24 th June 2023Received Certificate
Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation2 Week29 th
May -9 th June 2023
Received Certificate
Sales Force in Softsquare Solutions Navalur, chennai.2 Week03 rd to 14 th July 2023Received Certificate
Recent Trends
and Research Methodologies in Information Technology
3 Day24-07-2023 to 26-07-2023Received Certificate
and Research Methodologies in Information Technology
3 Day24-07-2023 to 26-07-2023Received Certificate
5Mrs.G.USHA FDPPython for Data Science4 WEEKSJULY/AUG-2022Received Certificate
The Joy of Computing Using Python12 WEEKSJAN/APRIL - 2023Received Certificate
6Ms. B.MANJUBASHINI FDPCurrent Trends in Engineering6DAY3.07.2023 to
Received Certificate
National ConferenceProblem solving applications of machine learning in Next generation wireless
1 DAY3rd July 2023Received Certificate
7Mrs. PRIYA FDPRecent Trends
and Research Methodologies Tools and Techniques
6DAY08.07.202Received Certificate
and Research Methodologies Tools and Techniques
6DAY10.07.23 TO 15.07.23Received Certificate